Have you ever seen people lose their minds over a certain food? Possibly their favorite movie? Or even a place that they love to be at? I lose my mind, my sanity, my everything over one word: coffee. And that’s just hearing the word.
Coffee is quite literally my everything I could ever want in life. I was introduced to my delectable companion my junior year of high school and ever since we’ve been inseparable. I can’t imagine a day where I go without coffee. It’s unthinkable and frightening. It makes me want to sit on the floor and bawl tears of caffeine. If a boy like me didn’t have his coffee, I can easily tell you that crime would be much higher in the world today than it actually is.
I start my day waking up and the first thought on my mind is: I gotta make that first cup of coffee. That often means I groggily shuffle over to my Keurig and brew a cup. If my mind is really in the dumps, I’ll stand next to the coffee maker and let the steam pour into my face. The heat and smell of the steam is more than enough to perk my optimistic spirits up. However, if I’m in a hurry, I’ll run into the cafeteria on campus and steal a cup there. At the end of the day, I’ll do anything for a cup of coffee, regardless of how awful it is. Coffee is coffee.
After each cup I finish, I make it a mission to find my next source. Free coffee in the common area? Perfect. Coffee run to the on campus bistro? Yes please. Another run for putrid coffee in the cafeteria? It’ll do. By the end of the day, I normally have anywhere from 5-7 cups. My record is 11 cups, but who’s keeping track?
Each cup I drink depends on the quality. I down it either way, but I carefully sip the good stuff. I let it embrace my tongue in a warm, intrepid flood that sends my taste buds to glory. It flows into my body like pure gold. The tingly rush I get when the caffeine enters my bloodstream is the most complete feeling I experience during the course of my day. Each cup of coffee I drink is a new encounter all in itself. It’s a process that needs to be specific in the consumption all the way down to the very last drop. Coffee is not something I rush quickly only to forget I drank a cup in the first place. That would be an injustice to mankind.
Call me crazy, call my addiction unhealthy, I don’t care. I couldn’t exist without my one true love. Its taste provides the kiss upon my lips that lovers crave. The warmth of the cup in my hands as I go to classes gives me the energy to power through the day just like the weights do for the health nut at the gym. One of my greatest passions in life is drinking coffee and if you haven’t realized it at this point, I suggest you move along to another blog.